Open Thread: When our tech goes haywire

I’ve got two terrific programs that are both on life support and I refuse to give up on them.

I have an old school tower running Windows XP specifically to keep them running:  Kiplinger’s Simply Money (the best financial package ever made) and Daytimer 2.0 (the best address/notebook/contact database/calendar program ever). 

The day I figure out how to move them to a newer computer and get them to print again I’ll be a happy camper.

This morning I lost about a half hour because my printer decided it didn’t like the way I put in a new ink cartridge and refused to play.

A friend of mine is on a first name basis with Microsoft tech support because her laptop has been hiccupping non stop.

My late husband, a programmer, created a tracking program specifically for me and my PR business.  It was awesome and a terrific enhancement to my productivity. 

About a year after he died the laptop that housed it went down completely, and beyond repair.  I had the data backed up but the source code was gone.

It was like losing him all over again and I cried for a week.

Technology Terror

Technology has infiltrated our lives, businesses and yes, even our emotions.  There’s a line of sympathy cards when you lose a pet.

How about when you lose a program?

How about you?  What technology have you lost – and really miss – either from non-support by the developer, or by devices that no longer support it, or by mishap?   

Let us know in the comments!


Virge Randall is Senior Planet’s Managing Editor. She is also a freelance culture reporter who seeks out hidden gems and unsung (or undersung) treasures for Straus Newspapers; her blog “Don’t Get Me Started” puts a quirky new spin on Old School New York City. Send your suggestions for Open Threads to her at