Aging with Attitude 2020!

Learning how our interviewees think about “aging with attitude” is a gift that keeps on giving at year-end.

Here’s a quick summary about ‘Aging with Attitude” from all our profiles throughout 2020 – all the more compelling given our ongoing challenges.

Celebrity actor and profile subject Franco Nero (at left) mentioned his 55 year history working with a village of orphans in Rome.

“Working with these young people at the mission keeps me young and full of life and gives me purpose. It feels good to give back to youth.”

Meanwhile, feminist icon and activist Gloria Steinem told us “There’s no real secret, you are always the unique self that got born into this world, you just keep adding experiences.”

Actor, writer, entrepreneur and celebrity stoner Tommy Chong (at right) shared his moving personal history, and how he ages with attitude   “I take all my problems to God and they disappear.

That’s my secret to why I’m still going strong.”

One of the most inspiring interviewees of the year was Dr. Melissa M. Freeman, (at left) a medical doctor still serving her community at 94, who says “Respect! It’s the vital attitude we must all hold — and not just as we age, but all our lives.”

Actress Talia Shire had this optimistic viewpoint on aging:  “Laughter is a big deal to energize and stay healthy, to embrace the seasons of time.

Growing older is wonderful, freeing and an opportunity to share your wisdom with your family and society.”

Musican and Oscar-winning actor Louis Gossett, Jr. says his secret to aging with attitude is “I seek out the young folk and have a lot of stories to share with them.”

And our Senior Planet Stars…

While Senior Planet member Jane Stone (at right) told us about her stand-up, she told us, “I like to believe that at any age, we can work at making our world a better, kinder place by living with agency and confidence, continuing to grow and be active in positive life-affirming ways.”

And Dollie Nixson, Senior Planet member, volunteer and staffer, (at left) ended her profile about her upward climb with this advice: “I want to tell every senior out there–in fact, I want to tell everybody…never doubt yourself.

Another Senior Planet member, Patsy Lynn LaFlam, says “If you want to try something new and exciting, do it.

Only you know what you can accomplish with your attitude and an open mind.”.

“Aging with Attitude? It’s totally me,” says volunteer and member Suzi Fogarty, “I was born with attitude, then I survived with attitude.

Now I’m aging with attitude. I’ve never been a shrinking violet!”

Senior Planet Member and hat enthusiast Doris Slay-Barber (at right) defines “Aging with Attitude” as “…not having a fear or a dread of change and the future.

Having an attitude that says I can do it!”

For Senior Planet Member, multi-talented crafter and entrepreneur Arline Rubin, “It means that I am interested in lots of different things and I have the time now to pursue them.”

“It means being informed,” says Senior Planet Member Lezrette Hutchinson (at left).

“The things people used to say to me because I am a senior….I no longer accept it. Like calling me “mom” or all these names.

I am more empowered now and I, in a nice way, ask them to not treat me differently because of my age.”