Open Thread Update: Summer Plans

Looks like our readers are eager this summer to make up for time lost in lockdown.  Most are still concerned about COVID – especially the Delta variant – so mostly outdoor events are on tap for most of our respondents. Ronald M. is looking forward to listening to live music again in outdoor concerts during the summer.

 “It is so nice to get out and enjoy music I like played live.”

-Ronald M.

Several readers mentioned how much they enjoy seeing the faces of their friends in their hobby groups…bird walks, garden clubs, picnics and other outdoor meet ups.

“So strange to be around so many people but fun! All outside activities, brunch, a comedy club, and outdoor movie!”


Others are ready to plunge right in…but safely.

“We now have meetings in-person of our Book Club, Garden Club, Happy Hour socials and so on. Feel more free, but still not going to indoor crowded events.”


Several expressed concerns about staying safe with friends.

“Already enjoyed an outdoor picnic lunch with my needlework group…Friends being very careful…they know it is not over. We are all very concerned about the fall.”



“I realized that I do not want to travel by air yet…I have decided to embrace my city all summer for all it has to offer, spending time outdoors sans mask and indoors only where I feel safe.”


Cecilia said she made one trip to LA but will stay close to home from now on. Diane will be focusing on taking care of business with doctor visits, and Anna will play it safe and stay indoors in her AC, reading.

Summer Plans – and Covid

The consensus so far is that it’s great to see people in real life, but there is still concern about the spread of Covid – so no big indoor gatherings for most of us.

We’ll keep this thread open for a while to get more feedback and your thoughts.



Virge Randall is Senior Planet’s Managing Editor. She is also a freelance culture reporter who seeks out hidden gems and unsung (or undersung) treasures for Straus Newspapers; her blog “Don’t Get Me Started” puts a quirky new spin on Old School New York City. Send your suggestions for Open Threads to her at

Photo by Sean O. on Unsplash