Try Switching from Resolutions to I Want More of This! Lists and Watch What Happens

Stretching for Seniors

I’m not sure of the origin of the New Year’s resolution or how successfully this “tool” motivates others, but I do know the thought of it makes me bristle.

Resolutions have always felt disciplinary and regulatory, and the idea of deprivation or denial at this stage of my life sets me up to resist and ultimately fail. Doing without, living without, just doesn’t fit into my image of a full and engaged life – an emphasis on satisfaction and accomplishment serves me much better.

I Live in Contentment

I’ve arrived at a stage where I feel pretty content with myself and quite accepting of who I am as a mature woman. Granted there is always room for improvement, and I am always seeking ways to enrich my life, but I’ve now set my priorities away from wholesale change, opting instead to strive for more finely honed adjustments and orientations toward sustainable and lasting habits and efforts.

These days, I’m much more interested in adding to my life than subtracting from it. So, when I received a message from a dear friend containing a list of what she was looking forward to in 2024, and how she would strive for more of the activities, experiences and choices that will enhance her life, I was inspired. I was so excited about the idea that I compiled my own list, entitled, I Want More of This! and have promised myself it will be my road map through 2024, and probably beyond.

I Want More of This!

There’s something about granting myself permission to enjoy and appreciate what I can provide more of that motivates me, and the choice of more positive wording makes it all much more appealing. Here’s what I mean.

I have disregarded statements like:

  • I will exercise every day.
  • I will eat a healthy diet and avoid sugar and fat.
  • I will spend two hours writing every day.
  • I will adhere to a strict budget.

I have embraced lifestyle changes that feel much more interesting and pleasant, such as:

  • I will enjoy more time outside exploring trails surrounded by nature’s beauty.
  • I will choose more fresh and nutritious food to care for my body and give myself more energy.
  • I will spend more time every morning devoted to personal expression through writing.
  • I will reserve more money for my future, so I have adequate funds available for special purchases and occasions.

It might seem like a silly mind trick, but as Mary Poppins once said, “a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.” Why not take a kinder and more encouraging approach to reaching our goals and living a better life?

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Is it difficult for you to accomplish your goals? Have you considered making different goals? What about goals to be authentic?

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