The Seven Habits That Lead to Happiness in Old Age

Stretching for Seniors

The Seven Habits that Lead to Happiness in Old Age: A Guide to Living a Fulfilling Life.

As you age, you may wonder what the secret to happiness in your golden years is. Fortunately, research has identified seven habits that lead to happiness in old age. These habits, identified by Arthur C. Brooks in his article for The Atlantic, can help you build a fulfilling life that brings joy and contentment.

Research and studies on happiness for senior citizens have revealed the importance of maintaining a healthy body, emotional resilience and mental health, the role of relationships and community, investing in happiness, the journey of aging, and the pursuit of meaning and deep purpose. By incorporating these habits into your life, you can cultivate a sense of well-being that will serve you well as you age. Whether you’re looking to improve your mental health, strengthen your relationships, or find a greater sense of purpose, these habits can help you achieve your goals and lead a happier life.

Key Takeaways

  • Research has identified seven habits that lead to happiness in old age.
  • These habits include maintaining a healthy body, emotional resilience and mental health, the role of relationships and community, investing in happiness, the journey of aging, and the pursuit of meaning and deep purpose.
  • By incorporating these habits into your life, you can cultivate a sense of well-being that will serve you well as you age.

Research and Studies on Happiness in Old Age

If you’re looking for ways to lead a happier life in old age, there is a wealth of research and studies available that can help guide you. Here are some of the most notable:

Harvard Study

The Harvard Study of Adult Development, which began in 1938, is one of the longest-running studies of human development. It followed a group of men from their youth to their old age, collecting data on their physical and mental health, relationships, and more. The study found that the key to happiness in old age is not wealth or fame, but good relationships with family, friends, and community.

Arthur C. Brooks’ Podcast Series

Arthur C. Brooks, a Harvard professor and author, has a podcast series called “How to Build a Happy Life.” In it, he talks about the seven habits that lead to happiness in old age: exercise, reading, walking, social support, comfort with discomfort, quitting smoking, and avoiding excess alcohol.

Harvard Medical School and Business School Research

Research from Harvard Medical School and Harvard Business School has found that people tend to become more optimistic as they age, despite facing more physical and mental challenges. This “rosy prediction” bias can help older adults maintain a positive outlook on life, even in the face of adversity.

Population averages can also give us insight into happiness in old age. For example, research shows that people tend to be happiest in their 60s and 70s, and that happiness levels tend to decline slightly in the 80s and beyond. However, this varies widely depending on individual circumstances and life experiences.

In conclusion, the research and studies on happiness in old age offer valuable insights into how to lead a happier life as you age. By focusing on good relationships, healthy habits, and a positive outlook, you can increase your chances of experiencing greater happiness and fulfillment in your later years.

The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Body

Maintaining a healthy body is crucial for leading a fulfilling life in old age. A healthy body can help you stay independent, active, and enjoy your golden years to the fullest. Here are some reasons why maintaining a healthy body is essential:

Body Weight

Maintaining a healthy body weight is critical for overall health. Being overweight or obese can lead to various health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. To maintain a healthy body weight, you should eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid processed and sugary foods, which can contribute to weight gain.


Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body. Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, improve heart health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling. You can also engage in strength training exercises to maintain muscle mass and improve bone health.

Smoking and Drinking

Smoking and drinking can have a detrimental effect on your health, especially as you age. Smoking can increase the risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke, while excessive drinking can lead to liver disease, high blood pressure, and other health problems. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake can help you maintain a healthy body.


Staying active throughout the day is essential for maintaining a healthy body. Even if you engage in regular exercise, sitting for long periods can have a negative impact on your health. Make sure to take breaks throughout the day to move around, stretch, and engage in light physical activity.

Overall Physical Health

Maintaining overall physical health is essential for leading a healthy life in old age. Regular check-ups with your doctor can help you identify and manage any health problems early on. Make sure to follow a healthy diet, engage in regular exercise, and avoid smoking and excessive drinking to maintain your physical health.

In conclusion, maintaining a healthy body is crucial for leading a happy and fulfilling life in old age. By following a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, and avoiding smoking and excessive drinking, you can maintain your physical health and enjoy your golden years to the fullest.

Emotional Resilience and Mental Health

As you age, it’s important to focus on maintaining your emotional resilience and mental health. Emotional resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and maintain a positive outlook on life. Here are some ways to cultivate emotional resilience:

Coping Mechanisms

One way to build emotional resilience is to develop healthy coping mechanisms. This can include things like exercise, meditation, and journaling. Exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, while meditation can help you manage stress and improve your overall mental health. Journaling is also a great way to express your emotions and work through difficult experiences.

Therapy and Spiritual Practices

Another way to build emotional resilience is to seek out therapy or spiritual practices. Therapy can help you work through past traumas and develop coping skills to deal with future challenges. Spiritual practices like prayer or meditation can also help you find peace and meaning in difficult times.

Active Mind through Reading and Nonfiction

Keeping an active mind is also important for emotional resilience. Reading nonfiction books can help you learn new things and stay engaged with the world around you. It can also help you develop a more positive outlook on life. Reading can also help you develop empathy and understanding for others, which can improve your relationships and overall well-being.

In conclusion, cultivating emotional resilience is essential for maintaining good mental health as you age. By developing healthy coping mechanisms, seeking out therapy or spiritual practices, and keeping an active mind through reading and nonfiction, you can build the emotional resilience you need to thrive in your later years.

The Role of Relationships and Community

As you age, the importance of relationships and community becomes even more critical for your overall happiness and well-being. Having a strong support system can help you navigate life’s challenges and provide a sense of purpose and belonging. In this section, we will explore the role of relationships and community in promoting happiness in old age.

Family and Friends

Maintaining close relationships with family and friends is essential for your mental and physical health. Research has shown that having a support system of loved ones can reduce stress levels, boost your immune system, and improve your overall well-being. Make an effort to stay in touch with family and friends, even if it is just a phone call or video chat. Plan regular visits or outings with those closest to you to maintain a sense of connection and belonging.

Marriage and Partners

For those who are married or in a committed relationship, having a supportive partner can provide a sense of security and companionship. A healthy relationship can reduce stress levels, improve mental health, and even lead to a longer life. Make time for your partner and prioritize your relationship to maintain a strong bond.

Faith and Community

For many, faith and community provide a sense of purpose and belonging. Joining a religious community or participating in social groups can provide opportunities for social interaction and engagement with others who share similar beliefs and values. This can lead to a sense of belonging and increased happiness in old age.

In conclusion, relationships and community play a vital role in promoting happiness in old age. Make an effort to maintain close relationships with family and friends, prioritize your marriage or partnership, and consider joining a faith-based or social community to stay engaged and connected with others.

Investing in Happiness

Investing in your happiness account is an important aspect of planning for your future. Research has shown that happiness is not solely dependent on financial wealth, but it is also important to make wise financial decisions that can lead to a happy and fulfilling life in old age.

  • One way to invest in happiness is by making smart investment decisions. This includes investing in a retirement account such as a 401(k) or other retirement plans that can help you save for your future. Financial planners can help you make informed decisions about your investments, and graduate students can provide valuable insights into the latest data on happiness and financial decisions.
  • Education is also an important investment in happiness. Continuing to learn and grow can lead to a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life. Pursuing a degree or taking courses in subjects that interest you can provide a sense of accomplishment and personal growth.
  • In addition to financial and educational investments, it is important to invest in relationships with loved ones and friends. Maintaining strong social connections can enhance happiness and provide a sense of belonging and support.
  • When making investment decisions, it is important to consider your personal values and goals. This can help you make choices that align with your priorities and lead to a fulfilling life in old age.

In summary, investing in happiness involves making wise financial decisions, pursuing education and personal growth, and nurturing relationships with loved ones and friends. By taking a holistic approach to investing in your future, you can create a happy and fulfilling life in old age.

The Journey of Ageing

As you age, you will experience different stages of life, each with its own unique challenges and rewards. Understanding the journey of ageing can help you navigate these stages with greater ease and happiness.

Young Adulthood to Middle Age

During your young adulthood to middle age, you are likely to be focused on building your career, raising a family, and establishing yourself in the world. This can be a time of great stress and pressure, as you juggle multiple responsibilities and try to find a balance between work and home life. However, it can also be a time of great growth and fulfillment, as you pursue your passions and build meaningful relationships with others.

Late 70s and Beyond

As you enter your late 70s and beyond, you may find that your physical and mental abilities start to decline. This can be a difficult time, as you come to terms with your own mortality and face the loss of loved ones. However, it can also be a time of great wisdom and reflection, as you look back on your life and appreciate the many experiences and relationships that have shaped you.

The Second Half of Life

The second half of life, which typically begins around age 50, can be a time of great transformation and growth. Many older people find that they are able to let go of old fears and insecurities, and embrace new opportunities and challenges with greater confidence and resilience. This can be a time of great joy and fulfillment, as you pursue your passions and find new ways to connect with others.

Overall, the journey of ageing is a complex and multifaceted process that requires patience, resilience, and a willingness to embrace change. By cultivating the seven habits that lead to happiness in old age, such as emotional resilience, education, and quality relationships with others, you can navigate this journey with grace and ease, and find greater happiness and fulfillment at every stage of life.

The Pursuit of Meaning and Deep Purpose

As you age, you may find yourself questioning the meaning and purpose of your life. It’s natural to seek a deeper understanding of your existence and to find fulfillment in something greater than yourself. Research has shown that having a sense of meaning and purpose in life is strongly correlated with overall life satisfaction and happiness.

  • One way to pursue meaning and purpose is through work. Whether you are still working or have retired, finding work that aligns with your values and passions can give you a sense of fulfillment and purpose. This could mean volunteering, mentoring, or pursuing a new career that aligns with your interests.
  • Success can also play a role in finding meaning and purpose. However, it’s important to define success on your own terms rather than relying on external measures such as wealth or status. Success could mean achieving personal goals, making a positive impact on others, or simply finding joy in everyday experiences.
  • Another way to find meaning and purpose is to reflect on your core values and beliefs. What matters most to you? What are you passionate about? By aligning your actions with your values, you can live a more meaningful and purposeful life.
  • Finally, it’s important to remember that the pursuit of meaning and purpose is a lifelong journey. It’s okay to change course and explore new passions and interests as you age. By staying curious and open-minded, you can continue to find meaning and purpose in your life.

In Summary

In summary, the seven 7 habits that lead to happiness in old age are:

  1. Not drinking alcohol: Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption is crucial for maintaining good health and happiness in old age.
  2. Keeping a healthy body weight: Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall well-being.
  3. Regular exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity, such as walking or swimming, can help improve physical and mental health, and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.
  4. Emotional resilience: Developing emotional resilience can help you cope with life’s challenges and maintain a positive outlook in the face of adversity.
  5. Education: Continuing to learn and explore new things and keeping an active mind in old age can help keep the mind sharp and improve overall well-being.
  6. Quality relationships with others: Maintaining strong relationships with family and friends can provide a sense of purpose and belonging, and help ward off feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  7. Avoiding smoking: Quitting smoking or avoiding it altogether can help improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

By making these seven habits a priority in your life, you can increase your chances of living a happy and fulfilling life in old age. Remember, it’s never too late to start making positive changes in your life, and small steps can lead to big improvements in your health and happiness.

The Seven Habits that Lead to Happiness in Old Age

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