The GypsyNesters | Three Camino de Santiago Routes To Try

Stretching for Seniors

Have you been looking for an activity-based holiday and come across a Camino de Santiago? A Camino de Santiago is a popular holiday choice for someone looking to get active whilst getting away. It offers you the chance to explore, disconnect and reconnect. It’s the perfect way to gather your thoughts and feel refreshed on your return.

If you aren’t sure where to go on a Camino de Santiago, there are many routes that you can choose from. You can enjoy a Camino Portugues Coastal Route from Porto, a Camino Portugues Coastal Route from Baiona in 8 days or Complete Camino de Santiago Frances from St. Jean which is 36 days long – it comes down to how much you are willing to spend and if you have enough days off. A lot of people will use their sabbatical when taking on a 36-day adventure.

To help give you some inspiration, below we have put together three Camino de Santiago routes for you to try.

The Complete Camino de Santiago Portugues from Lisbon

We mentioned a sabbatical above, or if you are retired and looking for a challenge, then you may be interested in this Complete Camino de Santiago Portugues from Lisbon which takes place over 30 days. During your adventure, you will get to see Santa Iria de Azoia, Porto, Barcelos, Padron and more. It’s a grade 2 of 6 and you will be travelling around 611 km, so be prepared to see many wonderful landscapes on your travels.

Camino de Santiago from Sarria in 6 days

For a shorter breakaway, this 6-day Camino de Santiago may be the one for you. On this trip, you will start by exploring Sarria before travelling 33.2km to Ventas de Naron. From here you will head to Melide, A Rua and finish your adventure in Santiago de Compostela. Along the way, you make several stops and see some key sights, like a visit to the A Magdalena Chapel and explore Melide, the geographical centre of Galicia. The grade of this Camino de Santiago is 2 of 6 and the total distance travelled will be around 111km.

The Coastal Camino de Santiago from Porto

Have you ever been to Porto before? It’s a beautiful city with so many wonderful architectural styles. It’s also a great place for foodies and people who enjoy seeing some magnificent churches! This Camino de Santiago from Porto takes place over eight days and you’ll travel 136 km in distance. On this trip, you will enjoy the infrastructures that you will get to see, the most beautiful landscapes and the climate is very favourable for a hike.

There are so many different Camino de Santiago routes that you can choose from that it can be confusing. We hope our guide has given you some insight and food for thought. What are your thoughts on the three Camino de Santiago’s that we have included in our guide above? Will you be trying one of them or is there an alternative one you are going to try?

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