The GypsyNesters | Praise for Going Gypsy – and our (loss of) Words of Gratitude

Stretching for Seniors

It has been quite a while since we have mentioned our book, GOING GYPSY: One Couple’s Adventure from Empty Nest to No Nest at All so we thought we would spread the word again.

Here are a handful of the reviews to whet your appetite:

Going Gypsy: One Couple's Adventure from Empty Nest to No Nest at All

We were planning on writing a post on how grateful we are to this group of distinguished people.

About how enormously thankful we are that they have chosen to read our book and share their thoughts.

But we can’t find the words to properly express the way we feel and, if you know us at all, you know that we have to be truly honored to be at a loss for words (we’re impossible to shut up!).

From Linda F. Burghardt, PhD, author of The Happy Empty Nest

“Warm, funny, clever, and inspiring—makes you see the fun in being empty-nested, whether you take to the road like David and Veronica or stay at home and reinvent your life with the sense of adventure they found on their journey.”

From Lenore Skenazy, author of the book and blog Free-Range Kids

“Any parents who have gotten through the launching stage of life with their sense of adventure (and humor) intact deserve our attention. They got mine! If I could be on the road again—and I guess we really all can—this is how I’d do it. An empty nest just means the kids have learned to fly. How nice to know the parents can too!”

From Susan K. Perry, creativity blogger at and author of Writing in Flow, Loving in Flow, and the empty-nest novel Kylie’s Heel

“It’s quite a talent to turn a midlife journey into compelling and amusing reading, and the authors of Going Gypsy clearly have that talent. There are as many smiles as miles in this unique travel memoir told in the voices of both halves of a newly nest-emptied couple. Veronica, especially, shares her internal struggle with genuine insight—after all, she’s been a very involved mother of three kids. Can a couple really just sell the nest and take off in an RV with hardly any plans? Seems so, and we lucky readers vicariously get to enjoy it all with them.”

From Victoria Zackheim, editor of Faith: Essays by Believers, Agnostics, and Atheists

“A thoroughly charming account of a romp across America and beyond by childhood sweethearts who discover life without children, rediscover the joy of thirty years together, and learn firsthand the magic of living with eyes wide open to the wonders of a new and independent life.”

From Rayya Elias, author of Harley Loco

“As soon as I read the dedication I was ‘in,’ and the rest did not disappoint. I found myself chuckling at every turn. Loved the writing style as well.”

From PBS’s Next Avenue

 “If you are tempted by the awakening of your own long-dormant wanderlust, Going Gypsy can serve as a primer. . . . The questions [Veronica] poses about ‘what next’ are relatable ones for all empty nesters.”

Want to find out more about Going Gypsy?

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Feeling very thankful today,

David & Veronica,


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