The Best of the Best Quotes On The Web

Stretching for Seniors

The ‘BEST’ of the ‘BEST’ Thought-Provoking & Original Quotes from Made You Smile Back!

Made You Smile Back is proud to announce the ‘Best of the Best’ thought-provoking, inspirational and did I mention, life-changing quotes on the world wide web!

First, let me introduce myself to those who are reading my blog for the first time. I’m Beth Elkassih, the owner and creator of ‘Made You Smile Back‘, a dynamic and innovative platform to reach out to others in sharing positivity and encouragement.

I found that there were very few, if at all, places on the internet that one could go to for those suffering from depression, anxiety, grief or just going thru some tough times. Thus ‘Made You Smile Back’ made the transition into becoming more of a mental health advocacy platform.

Google Search I Just Want To Be Happy, Made You Smile Back
Image by Turnisu © on Pixabay

What I Found On Google ‘Search’ was Eye-Opening!

In figuring out what type of content I wanted to publish on my blog, I did a ‘Google Search’ on: “I just want to be happy again’. Sure, I found several websites referenced. But many were mainly ‘psychology-based’ and yes, there were some mental health sites describing the symptoms of depression, anxiety, etc.

What I found so lacking and amazing was there just wasn’t a website available that one could go to to just get inspired or better yet, relate with. There wasn’t any ‘user-friendly’ sites that were engaging or where others like myself could turn to for help. As a result, I knew I could use ‘Made You Smile Back’ to become this type of a ‘much-needed’ resource.

The Best of the Best Thought-Provoking & Inspirational Quotes on the Web, Made You Smile Back
Image by Free _Photos© on Pixabay/Design by Beth Elkassih/Quote by Umair Qureshi

When deciding on the design and format of my blog, this is the type of blog content I set out to provide to my audience:

  • Thought-Provoking Blogs — I wanted to write blogs that not only were inspiring but thought-provoking as well. I wanted my reader to think about his/her situation and ask the hard questions that pertained to themselves.
  • Thought-Provoking & Inspirational Quotes — These quotes were not only to be inspirational but thought-provoking as well. I wanted to provide a quick one-minute quote to uplift those who were taking the time to come to my blog and read each day.
  • Original but Lifechanging Quotes — As the site evolved, I began creating my own original quotes as I just felt there was so much still lacking with the same ole, same ole reused quotes everyone reads.
  • Resources such as e-books, journals, etc. This is in the works at the moment and will be shortly launched in January 2020. It will include value-added content in the way of e-books, workbooks, etc. for those who are looking to get their smile back!

Collection of the ‘Best of the Best’ Inspirational & Thought-Provoking Quotes Found on the Internet Today!

I’m not going to be shy about this. Made You Smile Back is proud to present these top picks I wish to share with you from all the 150+ quotes that have been published over the last 12 months. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy!

  1. Quotes About Joy & Happiness
  2. Quotes About Miracles
  3. Powerful Thought-Provoking Quotes
  4. Mental Health Advocacy Quotes
  5. Original Quotes by Beth Elkassih, Creator of Made You Smile Back
  6. Serendipity Bonus Inspirational Quotes

Quotes About Joy & Happiness

Since ‘Made You Smile Back’ is all about bringing back your ‘smile‘, I just have to start off this ‘Best of the Best‘ blog with quotes about joy and happiness!

— Featured Quote: “Joy is the Serious Business of Heaven!’ by C.J. Lewis

The Best of the Best Thought-Ptovoking & Inspirational Quotes on the Web, Made You Smile Back

“We Don’t Laugh Because We’re Happy… We’re Happy Because We Laugh!” — William James

“The More we Care About the Happiness of Others, the Greater is our Own Self Well-Being.” — Daila Lama

“Protect your Joy! Don’t Let Anyone Take it Away From You.” — Beth Elkassih

“We Rise by LIFTING Others.” — Robert Ingersol

Quotes About Miracles

This next section is all about quotes concerning the powerful impact of miracles in our lives. This is close to my heart as I just recently became a published Author on Amazon®, for the book entitled, ‘The Power of Unexpected Miracles”. This is about the miraculous birth of my third daughter and my survival. Feel free to check it out at the link provided below.

It was very difficult to select only five as there were several exceptional quotes about this divine topic. But here are the ‘best of the best’ and throughout the remaining of the blog, you shall see there are some that still pop up in other categories. Get inspired. Enjoy!

— Featured Quote: “Miracles Happen in the most Unexpected Ways.” by Dr. Wayne Dyer

The Best of the Best Thought-Provoking & Inspirational Quotes on the Web, Made You Smile Back

SPECIAL NOTE OF INTEREST: This featured quote was my most ‘viral’ when posted on Made You Smile Back’s Facebook page. It received over 16,000 likes/loves. It definitely resonated with many.

“A Grateful Heart is a Magnet for Miracles!” — Jodi Cox

“Miracles Can and Do Happen!” — Beth Elkassih

“Seeing a Miracle Will INSPIRE You. But Knowing You Are a Miracle Will CHANGE You!” — Deborah Brodie

“When Prayer Becomes Your Habit, Miracles Happen!” — Beth Elkassih

Powerful Thought-Provoking Quotes

As I mentioned earlier, I sincerely wanted to include not only blog articles, but inspirational quotes themselves to be thought-provoking for my audience. It’s not enough to just be inspired, but the reflection is so important when one is challenged with anxiety, depression, grief and so on.

For these next five quotes, I welcome you to take ‘pause’ and do your own self-reflection…

— Featured Quote: “No One is You! THAT is Your Super Power!” — Unknown Author

The Best of the Best Thought-Provoking & Inspirational Quotes on the Web, Made You Smile Back

“If You Are Not Willing to Risk the Usual, You Will Have to Settle for the Ordinary.” — Jim Rohn

“When One Door of Happiness Closes, Another Opens… But Often we Look so Long at the Closed Door that we do not see the One that OPENED has been for us!” — Helen Keller

“Making One Person Smile Can Change the World… Maybe Not the Whole World, but THEIR World!” — John Spence

“When I was 5 Years Old, my Mother Always Told me that Happiness was the Key to Life. When I Went to School, They Asked me What I Wanted to be When I Grew up. I Wrote down, ‘HAPPY’!!! They Didn’t Understand the Assignment, and I Told Them THEY Didn’t Understand ‘LIFE’! — John Lennon

Original Quotes by Beth Elkassih, Creator of Made You Smile Back

I am particularly proud of the next few quotes that I myself pinned. There were many-a-time (I think this is my own coined phrase! lol), I found myself scouring the internet to find meaningful thought-provoking quotes. And I did to a large degree. But I was finding the same ones repeated over and over. I needed something ‘fresh’ and quotes that were more ‘relevant’ to my topic at hand.

With a little brainstorming and ingenuity, I present to you these for your liking:

— Featured Quote: “There’s Nothing Wrong in Being ‘SILLY’ Once in a While!” — Beth Elkassih

Original Quotes by Beth Elkassih, Creator of Made You Smile Back

“Smile. Smile More. Keep Smiling!” — Beth Elkassih

“A Miracle is GOD Reaching Out to us to Believe!” — Beth Elkassih

“It’s YOUR Turn to Break Thru the Barriers!” — Beth Elkassih

“Have a Strong Purpose… Always Know Your WHY!” — Beth Elkassih

Serendipity Bonus Inspirational Quotes … ‘Just Because’!

You know what the hardest thing is when you’re trying to select the ‘Best of the Best’??? For me, in preparing this blog I had the most difficult time narrowing down and selecting from the 150+ quotes which have been published thus far.

So being who I am, I make no apologies and simply decided to include these special ones that are truly worthwhile and so full of positivity. After all, I DO want to make you ‘Smile Back’! So forgive me while I indulge in five more… ? ? ?

— Featured Quote: “Every Smile Has a Drop of LOVE in its Ingredients!” — Don Santo

The Best of the Best Thought-Provoking & Inspirational Quotes on the Web, Made You Smile Back

“Tears are God’s Heartshield Wipers. They clear the ‘pain’ from our Hearts so we can see the Path Clearly” — Beth Elkassih

“You Can’t Describe the PEACE You Get After Helping Others!” — Umair Qureshi

“A Hug Can Say What Words Cannot!” — Author Unknown

“COLORS Are The SMILES of Nature!” — Beth Elkassih

I just HAD to include this last one. The Graphic is a big part of the quote and overall impact! Please feel free to share this special quote to all your Facebook Family & Friends!

The Day the Power of Love Overrules the Love of Power, The World will be at Peace, Made You Smile Back Inspirational Quotes

It’s Your Turn! Join in the Conversation and Share Your Best Inspirational Quotes! (Who knows… Perhaps You Shall See Them in the Next ‘Made You Smile Back’ Featured Quote!)

One More Thing… Please Check Out These Latest Product Offerings & Journals!

The Ultimate Happiness Journal by Zulzan

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The Best of the Best Quotes On The Web

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