Rainbow Cardigan and Dressing for Retirement

Stretching for Seniors

Still kind of feels strange to use the word retirement and dressing in the same sentence. That means this gal is/has transitioned and is dressing for at at home lifestyle. My rainbow cardigan is the perfect piece for a relaxed day at home and a feel good style if anyone drops by.

Who am I kidding it would even be the perfect piece for the office, cuz I may have worn it then too lol.

distressed denim for over 50

Transition from Work to Home Style

When you retire you do not automatically need to toss your old wardrobe. Although truth be told I did think about it. Not kidding here folks, one of the easiest transitions to at home style would be to get a whole new wardrobe, but that is not practical.

One needs to “shop ones closet” and figure out how to repurpose all of the pieces. There are probably some items that you could donate or sell, i.e. business suits and dresses, For me I packed up all my two piece suits and work dresses and donated them to colleagues and donation sites. I needed to make a bit of a break from Office Style so donating was my option.

I kept a few key pieces I knew would serve me well in my new life. Thankfully, the last few years of covid has allowed my style to to easily transition without breaking the bank. Who knew the words covid and thankful would ever be used together. But working at home has allowed me to slowly change my style. This Rainbow Cardigan is the perfect example, a piece I ordered to keep me warm in my in-home office but also perfect for casual events.

dressing down a rainbow cardigan with a scarf and denims

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Rainbow Cardigan from Shein

This rainbow cardigan is one of my all time favourite purchases. It truly has the ability to raise my spirits, is that weird? The colours are just so Spring like and the material so soft and cozy. Plus it transitions the seasons, I have worn it three seasons. I don’t wear it in the Winter because it is my true sign of Spring transition in my wardrobe.

Over the years, it has worked with a dress, skirt and even dress pants, today we are going denim. And not old persons denim, distressed skinny, cropped denim that I like to wear. Adding a fun tank and my bright pink converse.,

ovcio scarf and a casual walk

A Soft Cashmere Scarf

Lets talk accessories shall we. Rounding off my casual look with the perfect scarf from Ovcio. An extremely cozy and lightweight but all natural scarf crafted by harnessing the world’s best hair – Mongolian Cashmere. Similar to my style, Ovcio believes you can be comfy but stay stylish as well. The perfect piece to complete any outfit.

FYI, I also took my scarf on my cruise and used it as a lightweight wrap to my ” Evening Looks” . Suitable for casual at home style, dress up style and yes even the perfect gift for those we love. Giving the gift of a wrap is like giving a hug you can carry everywhere.

I love the look of the scarf with my rainbow cardigan, it completes the look don’t you think?

showing off my Ovcio scarf

Online Business Ideas for Seniors

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