Karen Phytoplankton, Does it work?

Stretching for Seniors

Karen What? Karen Phytoplankton, yes you did hear that correctly, or rather read that correctly. First of all let’s break it down shall we, Phytoplankton are microscopic plants that are the primary producer of nutrition in the food chain and play a critical role in the global carbon cycle. Now that’s a whole lot of words out of context that I hope to break down for you.

holding a box of Karen Optimum

Phytoplankton is what exactly?

Ignoring the whole carbon cycle and large words, basically Phytoplankton is a rich source of essential vitamins & minerals including antioxidants, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, and SOD (Superoxide Dismutase).

Sod is the first essential enzyme in the antioxidant pathway, which makes it the first shield against oxidative stress!

Plus as a bonus it is approved by Health Canada for good health and maintenance of health. It is a supplement for lack of a better comparison that absorbs easily into your system allowing your body to more efficiently use the nutrients. And before I forget do I need to stress Plant Base, Gluten free and cruelty free. Three bonuses on your way to good health.

So again what is Phytoplankton and in particular Karen Phytoplankton? Basically it is microscopic marine algae that is actually good for you. Forming the base of several aquatic food webs, they provide food for a wide range of sea creatures and some land creatures aka Me.. Phytoplankton offers a broad spectrum of minerals that come from the sea – magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc. These minerals promote good health and wellness; they are also responsible for maintaining, or assisting with, body functions that are required to sustain life.

Enough about the what, lets actually get into the WHY shall we?

standing in the water holding a box of Karen Phytoplankton

5 Reasons I take Karen Phytoplankton

When I was first approached to work with Blugenics Innovations on The Karen Project and promoting Karen Optimum I did a bit of research. What was the value of Optimum and why did I need it.

Initially I thought Phytoplanton was like seaweed but that was not accurate. These photosynthesizing microscopic plants are typically too small to see, but when they occur in large numbers, they appear as colored patches on the water. Fun coloured patches that can provide a host of great benefits to us.

My top five reasons for wanting to add Karen phytonplankton to my diet:

  1. Heart Health- As a rich source of antioxidants, amino acids, and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, phytoplankton can support your heart health. Phytoplankton can reduce the risk for heart disease as well as stroke by helping to decrease blood pressure.
  2. Detoxify your body- phytoplanktons are know to detox the waters around them and can also help your body reduce the levels of toxins we absorb because of our environment
  3. Liver support- because the “phyto’s” help reduce the toxins in our body it also then gives our liver a bit of a break.
  4. Anti Cancer Properties- it has been understood that a diet rich anti-oxidants can help protect you from cancer, so why not give yourselve a boost?
  5. Help for Depression- not a substitute for anti depressants but studies have shown an improvement in depressive symptoms.

FYI There are a lot more great reasons but I will leave that discovry to you, this five is what caught my eye and attention.

box of Karen Optimum

Where do I get it?

My source is Karen, and before you question that, may I re-iterate not all Karen’s are bad. This one happens to be pretty darn awesome. ( as is my Mom, also a Karen) So here I go trying to dispel the karen myth one step at a time.

The Karen Project is named after Karen Anne Hunter, a nurse who passed away at the age of 46. Her son David discovered this strain of phytoplankton in 2006 and believed that his Mom may still be alive if she had the benefits of this microorganism. He moved his family from BC to Sackville New Brunswick to lower his cost of living and focus his efforts on studying the plant as a human and pet nutrient.

Fast forward to 2016, Health Canada finally issued him the license to sell and distribute Karen Phytoplankton and he convinced a small pharmacist in Sackville to take a chance. Within one year Karen Phytoplankton was available in Pharmacies across Atlantic Canada, and now Costco and Amazon opening the market to all of us.

For me, taking a chance on a small company from Sackville New Brunswick was something I jumped at. Hello my alma mater and home of some of my favourite people in the world.

karen phytoplanton green pills against a palm tree

How was my Experience?

Personally I started taking my Karen Phytonplankton Optimum supplements on the cruise ship. I figured how much could it hurt and the benefits could be quite significant. My way of combating the toxins I may be adding to my body on a much needed vacation.

Truth be told I also suffer from High Blood Pressure and my family has been impacted by cancer and failing livers. A chance to help offset some or all of that was an opportunity not to be missed.

It is one small green tablet taken once a day ( and yes it does smell and taste like seaweed, I can’t lie). For myself a lover of dulse and a believer in the benefits of that tasty seaweed ( yes I think Dulse is tasty and full of iron and ggod for me), this was a natural next step.

I have been taking it regularly for three weeks, and with the links to heart, liver and cancer This gal will keep on the algae train ( or boat), I figure this is my path to a better healthier life style.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you have trouble finding it. Here in Ottawa I had no issues finding it and I do know Amazon has a supply.

me in a bathing suit on Ocean Cay

Online Business Ideas for Seniors

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