Happy Father’s Day – The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide

Stretching for Seniors

Dad-g40dbda9bb_640How is your Father’s Day going?

Seventy-five percent of Americans are celebrating Father’s Day today.

They’re spending a record $22.9 billion, according to a survey conducted for National Retail Federation.

Consumers are spending $196.23 on average, up from $171.79 last year and topping the previous record of $174.10 in 2021.

As in other years, the most popular Father’s Day gifts are greeting cards, purchased by 61 percent. Other top gifts include clothing, 55 percent; a special outing such as dinner or brunch, 52 percent; gift cards, 48 percent; and personal care items, 32 percent.

Today, I’m thinking about my dad, Minor H. Slingsby. He was an important person in my life. I got my interests in consumerism and journalism from him. Here’s an article I wrote about him:

Enjoy Father’s Day, such an important time to recognize dads and the contribution they make to families.

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