Good Morning Inspirational Messages – Made You Smile Back

Stretching for Seniors

Thoughts of Good Morning

Made You Smile Back is pleased to present this uplifting blog entitled ‘Thoughts of Good Morning’!  This collection of ‘thoughts of good morning’ was put together because we know how important it is to start the day on the right foot and bring happiness to others.

Good Morning Inspirational & Motivational Messages

It is packed full of amazing good morning inspirational and motivational thoughts, messages, quotes, and sayings.  Start your morning right in bringing immediate happiness and thought-provoking “words of wisdom” to reflect throughout your day!

Why did I choose to call this collection ‘Thoughts of Good Morning’? It is called that because that is what it is… a collection of thoughts that make up a ‘good morning’.

Find the ones that resonate with you the most and recite at the most important time of the day… morning!  

Rise and Shine, It’s Morning Time!

“Rise and shine, it’s morning time!”

Let the joys of a new day begin! A brand new day brimming with possibilities! And don’t let anyone tell you that it can’t change. It can and it will! Make it a reality by simply deciding in advance that it is going to happen.

Put a Spring Into Your Step! Image by Made You Smile Back
Image by SergeyNivens© Licensed by DepositPhotos

Positive Good Morning Messages

Here are ten great morning messages that will get your day off to a great start. Each of these little nuggets of wisdom will put a spring in your step and make you feel more energized and optimistic. 

Incorporate these good morning wisdom quotes in your everyday life, they will inspire you and cheer you up no matter what. These words of wisdom are so inspiring, I’ve decided to collect them in one place, where they are sure to be available whenever you need a quick pick-me-up. 

Yes, there are a lot of inspirational messages in this post. But hey, you know what? I bet if you pay careful attention to all these posts, you’ll get more inspiration than you’d get from any other source. So what do you say, let’s greet each morning with a ‘spring in your step’!

Message 1:

Do something nice for someone, and make it a habit. Soon you’ll find that things are starting to go your way, and you’ll start having more wonderful days than bad.

Message 2:

Sleep is important.  If you get enough rest, you will be more productive and creative, and your health will improve drastically.

Message 3:

Some days you have to create your own sunshine… even if some days are not so good. Keep pushing. Always be curious. Never stop asking questions. And always, always be open to feedback. 

Message 4:

Every day isn’t going to be good but there is something good in every day.

Message 5:

Prayer is the key to all human achievement. It is the force that moves the universe. Without it, nothing happens. With it, anything is possible. It is the fuel that drives all great achievements. Without it, nothing is accomplished.

Message 6:

Any good thoughts you have will be rewarded. Success tends to follow great deeds. Result:  You WILL have a great day.

Message 7:

If you start each day with an attitude of gratitude, you’ll create a momentum of positivity that will serve you well throughout the entire day.

Message 8:

Good morning, how are you? A smile to start your day, a prayer to bless your way, a song to lighten your burden, a message to wish you a good day, and good morning.

Message 9:

Willpower is more important than intelligence. Those who think they are smart are usually just power-seekers who haven’t yet “willed” themselves into greatness. Hope you have an amazing day. 

Message 10:

Good morning.  This message is to remind you that you are unique, wonderful and spectacular. You are lovable just the way you are! You don’t have to struggle to get something you want. You will find out what you want, and then you just let go and let the universe bring it to you. 

Good Moring Positive Wishes by Made You Smile Bac
Photo by Canva Pro©

Inspirational Good Morning Wishes

It’s an incredible feeling isn’t it when you wake up in the morning with a smile on your face. While a good night’s sleep and sweet dreams aren’t always the case, the one thing you can always count on is creating your own happiness

I present to you ten more inspirational good morning ‘wishes’.

Wish 1:

Good morning! It’s a brand new day, Isn’t it great? So let’s get rolling, shall we? Make a list of everything you’re grateful for. It’ll boost your mood and put some “good” (pro-health) chemistry in your brain and body. 

Wish 2:

Simply smile.  Did you know that if you stand up, look up and smile from ear to ear and hold this smile for 30 full seconds…. neurotransmitter chemicals will flood into your brain and will instantly make you feel better and yes, so much happier.

Wish 3:

Get up with the excitement of what you can do today to move closer to your goals. Wake up early and think about what you will be able to achieve today. Early morning is when most people are at their most creative. 

Wish 4:

A new day has begun for you. Look upon today as a gift, a chance for a new beginning. 

Wish 5:

Each day we are born again. What we do today really does make a difference.

Wish 6:

Good morning isn’t just a word; it’s an attitude and a conviction to live the entire day well. You must start your day right. Get going early and keep moving. Set the tone for the rest of the day and take control of your life. 

Wish 7:

You have the chance to get everything you want in life. Make each day count for the greatest benefit to your own personal success and happiness.

Wish 8:

A morning is a perfect start to the day. It’s a new day and you must understand that it’s a new day with a new horizon to spread your wings with a new way of seeing all things. Therefore, begin the day with a nice cup of tea and have a happy “good morning” to you!

Wish 9:

Don’t wait until tomorrow to begin the process of enjoying today. Start living life right now. Begin to live it big. Begin to fill your heart and your soul with good things. 

Wish 10:

Begin to smile often. And remember: Smiles are contagious. When you smile, you give people the gift of sunshine for their own lives.

Don't Worry Be Happy Words on a Yield Traffic Sign - Made You Smile Back
Image by gustavo© Licensed by DepositPhotos

Inspirational Morning Greetings

“Don’t Worry Be Happy” is one of the most famous quotes in history. It was written by Dr. Wayne Dyer, and it’s one of my favorites.

Whether you are the receiver or the sender, a good morning message can always set the day up right. It is a sign of respect and courtesy, but more than that, it can lift anyone’s mood and make them feel valued.

In addition to inspirational and motivational messages and wishes, it’s so important to also inspire others who you work with or hang out with by providing personal morning greetings to all.

Below are 10 of my most favorite inspirational morning greetings I would like to share with you.

Greeting 1:

Good morning (Name). How are you today? NOTE:  If you want people to really be moved by this simple greeting, then be sure to say their first name when greeting them.  It’s a known fact that people love to hear their name and it shows you care that much more.

Greeting 2:

I hope you have a blessed day!

Greeting 3:

Have the best day ever!

Greeting 4:

Hope your day is going to be wonderful!

Greeting 5:

Top of the morning to you.  (Courtesy from our British neighbors…)

Greeting 6:

Good Morning.  How can I make this day better for you?

Greeting 7:

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What exciting goals are you trying to achieve this day?

Greeting 8:

Here’s wishing you a wonderful day full of joy, fun and every ounce of happiness.

Greeting 9:

Good morning, sunshine. I love how you bring the best of me whenever I am with you. 

Greeting 10:

Sharing a smile is the easiest way to get your day started off right. Here is a smile for you so that you can have a day as wonderful as you are.

Graphic Saying 'Inspire Someone Today' by Made You Smile Back
Image by parinyabinsuk© Licensed by DepositPhotos

Inspirational Message Good Morning Quotes

Inspiration is the greatest gift you can give to another person. To inspire someone is to light up their life with a fire that keeps them burning with enthusiasm for what they are doing and who they are becoming. Sharing a morning quote can encourage positive thinking and improve our life. 

This next collection of inspirational messages as good morning quotes will not only provide you with inspiration for your day but for others as well.

Quote 1:

“See the bright opportunity in each day.”

Quote 2:

“The biggest source of motivation is your own thoughts, so think big and motivate yourself to win.”

Quote 3:

Life is short. Use each day as an opportunity to make someone else’s life a little better. Slow down, smile more, say thanks, laugh more and give compliments. It will make you feel good and it will also make others feel good.

Quote 4:

“The prayer you offer each morning is the key that unlocks the treasure of your day.”

Quote 5:

Look up to the bright blue sky. There are new opportunities for you. So, choose a fresh approach and say “Good Morning” to your future. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about yourself.

Quote 6:

An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.

Quote 7:

Every day offers a chance to make things better. Don’t let yesterday’s mistakes or yesterday’s tragedies drag you down. Instead, use each day as an opportunity to put yesterday behind you and to focus on today and tomorrow.

Quote 8:

Good morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope. It’s a perfect day because it’s God’s gift to us. Begin your day with a happy thought. Set a goal to have a perfectly happy day. 

Quote 9:

Even the tiniest of thoughts have the potential to become the biggest of successes. All you have to do is get up and get going. Good morning.

Quote 10:

Don’t start your day by dwelling on the past. The present is here and the future is waiting. So get up, jump out of bed and begin to live your life. 

Good Morning Words of Wisdom

Graphic showing open hands with the word 'mindfulness' displayed.
Image by Healings63© Licensed by DepositPhotos

I am so excited to round out this blog with this next section of amazing good morning words of wisdom.   We all need to embrace the ‘power of mindfulness’ each morning as we begin our daily routine.

The following collection will leave with you inspiration and thought-provoking comments that will carry you throughout your day.  Enjoy!

Words of Wisdom 1:

Morning is a very important part of your day. How you spend your morning reveals a lot about your day. If your mornings are unorganized, you’re likely to have a disorganized day.  Be mindful and become focused with positive clarity.

Words of Wisdom 2:

This morning will never come back in your life again. Grab some coffee and get going. Don’t wait for anything; there’s no time for that. Get up, get moving, and have an amazingly productive day!

Words of Wisdom 3:

There are only 4,465,600 minutes in an entire year and only 365 of those minutes represent the first minute of each of your mornings.  Don’t start your new day thinking about yesterday, because every new day has a new story, and your role in that story is significant, so be grateful for this fresh start, and begin the day with an attitude of hope and possibility!

Words of Wisdom 4:

Your future is created by what you do today. It’s not created by what you will do tomorrow, or what others will do for you, or what happens “tomorrow” in the future.

Words of Wisdom 5:

Every day is a gift. Life is beautiful. Every day we are given a chance to do something special, something important. Sometimes it’s a simple act of kindness. Other times it’s taking a risk. Other times it’s creating something from nothing. The choices we make every day literally define who we are.

Words of Wisdom 6:

Each and every one of us will face death, so don’t waste your life by living in fear of it. Be thankful for another opportunity to live and live abundantly.

Words of Wisdom 7:

Every day is a new chance to correct our mistakes and every new day is a new beginning.

Words of Wisdom 8:

Go be amazing!  Dream big. It’s another day when you can spread cheer. Another day when you can start with a prayer and see good things that are going to come your way because today is the start of another new day. 

Words of Wisdom 9:

Keep this in mind if your dreams are ‘too enormous’, they will choke you before you ever get going. But if your dreams are reasonable, then, as the poet said, ‘The sky is the limit! 

Words of Wisdom 10:

Face the daily challenges of life head-on. Wake up and live life. There’s no difference between a good day and a bad day, it’s your attitude that counts.  You must be the best version of yourself possible today so that you can be the perfect version of yourself for tomorrow.

Final Thoughts Graphic Design Image by Made You Smile Back
Image by Artusz© Licensed by DepositPhotos

One Last Final ‘Good Morning’ Motivational Thought

Before I wrap up this blog on this topic, I want to leave you with this one last ‘good morning thought’...

Each day is new and your aspirations are new. Every day you need to scale new heights and desire to reach for the stars.

Beth Elkassih, Author

As the creator and author of Made You Smile Back, I challenge you to embrace your courage, conviction, and strength to take the first step and become the success you deserve to be. 

Good Morning and Have an Amazing Day!


1.  What is the real meaning of good morning?

In this situation, it means ‘hello’ or ‘how are you?’ In general usage, it has several meanings. It can be used to express sympathy, as an expression of goodwill, as an inquiry about another’s well-being, or as a friendly greeting between friends or associates.

The point is… it is a normal greeting used by people all over the world… in all parts of the day and at all times of the year.

2. Why Good Mornings are important?

Because good mornings help us get going in the morning and help us stay positive all day long.  It takes our minds off our problems if only for a moment.

When we make eye contact, smile, and say “good morning”, it forces us to focus on something other than what makes us sad, angry, or frustrated. Simply stated, it is an energizing, positive way to start the day.

3. What is the difference between ‘good morning’ and ‘morning greetings’?

‘Good Morning’ focuses on the time of day, while ‘Morning Greetings’ may include additional expressions of friendliness such as ‘how are you?’, ‘hello’, ‘welcome back’, etc.

4. Why are these ‘good morning’ messages combined with other quotes and sayings?

It is very simple… because… they work!  Beautiful thoughts of good morning contain a special quality that cannot be described in words.  it is an indefinable ‘gut feeling’ that says… this message is just right!

5. What is the best message for the morning?

You should always greet people with a smile and a ‘good morning’ or ‘hello’. It is a simple way to brighten someone else’s day and it will do wonders for your own.

It’s Now YOUR Turn… Leave your favorite

‘Good Morning Quote’ in the comments below.

Good Morning Inspirational Messages

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