Stretching for Seniors

Taxes-g98a522b5a_640Did you get your taxes done on time?

I expected to get mine completed at H&R Block on Sunday, but due to a glitch, they weren't completed until Monday.

Read all about my experience at "H&R Block Doing Better About Disclosing Prices, But Price Still High." I paid $488. At least I was able to get an estimate this year. In 2016, the last time I went to H&R Block, I paid $472, but I wasn't able to get an estimate.

Since I'm not a government hater, I don't mind paying taxes. Taxes pay for roads, bridges, schools, and important services. I just wish there was more of a consensus in America that some basic level of government services are needed.

We're in a situation now where about a dozen right-wingers are holding up the increase in the debt ceiling, which could wreck havoc on the entire economy. I just don't understand how American corporations are going to allow this to happen.

Good luck to us all.



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