8 Reasons Why February is So Special!

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I am so excited to share with you my 8 reasons why February is so special!  I know, I know…  February is in the middle of a record-breaking winter chill and everyone already knows about Valentine’s Day.  So just what’s so different about this month versus any other months in the year!

I’m so glad you ask.  But before I dive in with my 8 reasons why February is so special, let me give you a brief history lesson.

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In approximately 713 B.C., the Roman King Numa Pompilius  added the two months of January and February to the original 10 months of the first Roman calendar.  This was done in order to 

https://madeyousmileback.com/8-reasons-why-february-is-so-special/Month of February,9 Reasons Why February Is so Special, Made You Smile Back, Made You Smile, Make You Smile

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synch up the calendar to match the lunar year of 355 days.  But in order to reach 354.367 to be exact, 1 month out of the 12 needed to contain an even number of days.  So King Numa chose February to have 28 days.

So, as a result, February ends ups being the second and shortest month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendar.  28 days in common years and the infamous quadrennial  ’29th’ day being called ‘Leap Day’  occuring every four years.

Quick Question… what does Nutella, Margaritas, Banana Nut Bread & Frog Legs all have in Common???

February serendipity surprises!

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1. National ‘february Fun Food’ Days!

Go figure, if you want to celebrate in a big way, then mark February 5th on your calendar.  Why?  Because you can have all the Nutella you want on this National Nutella Day!  

But let’s not stop here.  February 22nd is National Margarita Day and February 23rd is National Banana Nut Bread Day.  And of course, every four years on February 29th, we celebrate National Frog Legs Day!

Oh, and did I mention that February 9th is National Pizza Dayfor crying out loud! lol…  So, for all you ‘foodies’ out there, February is your special month!

2. Groundhog’s Day – February 2nd

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How many of you remember laughing for two solid hours while watching Bill Murray in the 1993 American Comedy movie, known as “Groundhog Day”?  

And I don’t know about you, but I would imagine all you ‘Yankees’ north of the Mason-Dixie Line are hoping that wonderful groundhog doesn’t see his shadow.  Why?  So you know Winter is about to be over and a warmer Spring shall be on the horizon!

3. We can’t forget about Valentine’s Day!


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Who doesn’t love Valentine’s Day?  This is February’s pride and joy!  Valentine’s Day is perhaps every florist’s and chocolatier’s dream!  It’s widely celebrated all over the world as a festival of romantic love and declaration of devotion.  

Who can remember ‘back in the day’ making and receiving homemade Valentine’s Cardsfrom our elementary school classmates?  Or the decorated ‘Valentine Heart Boxes’,  made with Elmer’s glue, cut-out hearts and a whole lot of glitter!  Those were the days! 

4. President’s Day – 3rd Monday in February

Let’s make this clear.  Its important to know that President’s Day honors two iconic American presidents.  Abraham Lincoln, born February 12, 1809 and George Washington, born February 22, 1732.    


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Celebrating these two national presidents on the 3rd Monday in February is very special in deed.  Consolidating their two birthdays was part of 1971’s Uniform Monday Holiday Act.  This was done to create more three-day holiday weekends for the nation’s workers.

5. American Heart Month &
Black History Month

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In addition to February being known as American Heart Month and Black History Month, it also designated other major events as well.  Februaryis also known for National Bird-Feeding Month, National Children’s Dental Health Month and the Turner  Syndrome Awareness Month.

6. Random Acts of Kindness Day – February 17th

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What could be more special than celebrating a designated day on February 17th for doing ‘Random Acts of Kindness’?  And while I do sincerely appreciate having a day appointed for this, I would love to see this be an every day event.   Wouldn’t you?

7. Lucky You if you’re born in February!

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February is indeed very special to me and alot of people fortunate to have been born in this month!  I mean, who wouldn’t want to be an Aquarius or a Pisces?!  And not only that,  February’s color is purple which brings me to this other fun, special fact…

The birthstone of Februaryis – you guessed it – a beautiful purple crystal amethyst.  Did you know that amethyst crystal stones are known for spiritual protection and their healing powers?  They can rid one  of negative energy and encourages inner strength, wealth and clarity of mind.

But the special part for me is simply this… I LOVE amethyst jewelry and you don’t have to be born in February to enjoy wearing them!

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8. The most special of them of all – Celebrating Leap Year February 29th

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If you happen to be born on February 29th, then you are definitely special.  Did you know that the odds of being born on this signficant day are a staggering 1 in 1,461 or .068 percent.  The official name for these lucky babies are affectionately known as ‘Leaplings’.  In the United States, it’s estimated that there is just 187,000 Leaplings.  That’s mind-blowing considering there is approximately 325.7 million US Americans!

I’m sure they get ‘razzed’ all the time with the all too-familiar jokes about still being a ‘youngster’ despite being 40 years of age instead of 10!  But that’s the fun of it, right?

So, in summary, I have just one suggestion for you in order to celebrate this special month of February!  Now that you know how truly special February is, be sure to plan accordingly!  I know for myself, I am planning a special Valentine’s Daytreat for my husband!

I plan to give him a Valentine’s Dinner he will not forget!  Let’s see, I shall prepare savory gourmet fried frog legs, thin crust pizza ending with desert featuring banana nut bread covered with yummy Nutella.   And I  almost forgot!  I shall toast him with a ‘virgin’ margarita!   Now that sounds like fun, fun, fun!

https://madeyousmileback.com/8-reasons-why-february-is-so-special/8 Reasons Why February is So Special!

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