14 Things To Take Out Of Your Wallet Before You Travel

Stretching for Seniors

You’ve packed your bags and may think you’re set to go, but don’t forget to prune your wallet before you travel.

It is important to think about what to take and what to leave behind.

I recently was a victim of wallet theft close to home and felt stupid for not periodically taking an inventory of what I was carrying with me.

My loss took place in a HomeGoods store in my neighborhood. Trying to reconstruct what I had with me after the fact was painful, and canceling and replacing compromised cards was time-consuming! 

With crime rampant in large cities and small towns, you can’t be too careful about guarding your personal belongings, whether you’re at home or away. But the risks of losing your wallet or having it stolen multiply when you’re traveling.

You may find yourself shoulder-to-shoulder amidst crowds at airports, on busy streets, or on public transportation.

In addition, you may be awkwardly weighed down with suitcases and carrying other paraphernalia—all of this in a new place offering novel distractions that capture your attention. Lift your two arms to take a photo, and a clever pickpocket may be there to take advantage of the situation.

It’s not surprising that any of these circumstances dramatically increase the risk of losing your personal belongings or becoming the victim of a pickpocket.

I’ve left clothes behind in hotels and phone chargers plugged into walls. But small losses like these pale in comparison to losing your wallet or purse. The financial loss can be substantial, and worse than that, it can lead to the nightmare of identity theft.

Whatever our gender, we tend to accumulate “stuff” in our wallets, pockets, and purses. That’s why we all need to routinely prune our wallets and purses before a trip, taking as few things as possible with us—only the bare essentials.

This requires taking the time to think through what we absolutely need and what we don’t, which can vary based on our lifestyle, destination, and the type of trip we’re taking.

Here are 14 things you should take out of your wallet before you travel:

1) Membership cards

Add membership cards to your password saver
Add membership cards to your password saver

While traveling, it’s unlikely you’ll need proof of organizational memberships.

One exception: If it’s a travel organization (e.g., one associated with travel discounts, like an AARP card or a card affording lounge access), take a photo of the front and back of the card with your smartphone or add your membership number to a password saver. 

2) Employee IDs

Unless you are on a business trip and plan to visit a satellite office, you aren’t likely to need a business ID. 

3) Car registration/proof of automobile insurance

Unless you’re on a road trip using your own car, leave these at home. You probably want to take your driver’s license with you as a form of photo ID.

However, if you are renting a car abroad, you may need an International Driving Permit (IDP).

What the IDP looks like

4) Department store charge cards

Unless you are going on a shopping trip and know that the chain stores at home will also be at your destination, leave your department store charge cards at home.

Even if that’s the case, it’s wiser to use a generic charge card (e.g., Mastercard, Visa, or AMEX) or record your department store charge card information in a secure password saver. Taking photos of the cards on your phone can be a big problem if your phone is lost and compromised.

5) Duplicate credit/debit cards

You won’t likely need two of anything.

Eliminate heft and reduce risk by eliminating redundancy. Limit your charge cards to one or two, and if you have two credit cards from the same bank, only take one (making sure it has the lowest foreign transaction fee if you are traveling internationally).

Also, make sure that the card(s) you take are accepted by most businesses where you are traveling. I prefer using my American Express card, but some merchants only accept Visa or Mastercard, which charge them lesser fees. 

 6) Library cards and supermarket cards

You won’t need your local library card, supermarket cards, or the keychain dangles associated with your local drugstore or supermarket. Added heft also means added weight!

7) Sales receipts and dry cleaner bills

Put these in a safe place for when you return. They tend to accumulate and just add more unnecessary clutter. 

Toss your old receipts
Toss your old receipts

8) Local transit passes, or bus or metro cards

Unless you’re taking public transportation to the airport or taking a staycation, you won’t need these either.

Most public transportation systems allow for swiping with your smartphone.

9) Treasured photos

Even if you just carry one treasured photo of your partner, your kids, or your pet, keep these images on your smartphone and leave the originals safely at home.

Leave sentimental photos at home
Leave sentimental photos at home

 10) Gift cards

Losing or misplacing a gift card is like losing cash. In fact, when my wallet was recently stolen, the first thing the culprit did was try to buy a gift card with my charge card. (Fortunately, the $500 purchase was declined by my credit card bank.) 

Save gift cards for your use at home or for gifting when you return. 

 11) Other people’s business cards

While you might want one or two of your own (if you want more than that, certainly don’t keep them in your wallet.)

If the card has contact information for someone you want to connect with on your trip, add his or her contact info to the address directory of your smartphone.

12) Airline loyalty cards

Again, they provide too much heft. Make sure you give your membership/frequent flyer number when you’re making your reservation, and keep these numbers on your smartphone.

TripIt is a wonderful trip planner and flight tracker that keeps your itinerary safe and also allows you to keep track of your membership (and points) in various frequent flyer programs.

13) Social Security numbers 

You know your number by now. These are simply too high of a risk to carry around on any card or document in terms of potential identity theft.

14) Lottery tickets

If the lottery hasn’t been held before the date of your trip, you’ll find out that you didn’t win when you get back.:-)

Other tips on what to take out of your wallet before you travel:

  • Especially, make sure you don’t take unnecessary cash. Take only as much currency as you’ll need. You may want enough foreign currency for the trip from the airport to your hotel and for snacks, tips, etc. Don’t take too much; you can also get more from an ATM at your destination. And leave heavy coins in your piggy bank.
  • Find the safest place to keep your wallet (e.g., in a front pocket for men, in a zippered purse for women) and be attentive to its whereabouts.
  • An RFID wallet can help protect you against identity theft. Travelon is one of many companies that make inexpensive RFID-shielded pouches that can hold your passport, money, and cards.
  • Use your password-protected smartphone to copy information you might need but have taken out of your wallet. Put more sensitive information in a password manager.
  • Lastly, don’t forget to take your health or medical insurance cards and your driver’s license ID out of your wallet before you travel. When my wallet was stolen, I had to contact my medical insurer for a replacement. However, do take information with the names and contact information of your doctors, dentists, lawyers, insurers, pharmacy, and next of kin. 

All photo credits: Pixabay

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